
Love Incapable

Are you incapable of loving me? As a cohort, comrade, or family. You chopped me up like a cherry tree. Then sent down your verdict, GUILTY IS HE!   You

The Ink

The octopus emerges fluidly and slowly from a tiny crevice in the wavy ocean floor littered with sand. A beam of light powers its way down from the surface, illuminating

Sweet In The Morning

You’re sweet like honey in the morning When the day starts with fire Kids up early and the cell phone alarming   You’re exhausted at night As you lie down

The Prison She Chose

As I inquired about the emotional state of his wife, I was taken aback by his response. “She gets upset, making comparisons to what others have. Don’t let it bother

Mutual Affection

Amid my struggles with sadness earlier this year, I’ve thought a lot about friends. I’ve pondered, “What is a friend to me?” and “What defines a friend?”. Is a friend