Why do you shut-in such a beautiful soul? Everyone admires you, I want you to know. Even the doubters who seemed not so loyal Chose you every time and anointed

Interstellar Inclination
I wish your stars would fall down to me Shine so brightly Move right through me. I wish your moon stayed full all the time Light my way Show me

Circe 2: Opulent
The dogs begin to smell Her delightful scent Where did I take her, what’s my intent? She’s locked away deeply She can’t escape The bars squeal highly, as her fingernails

Once Time Returns
Goodnight dearest friend Maybe someday we’ll meet again When our weary souls stand tall And our alkaline tears don’t fall At least, not to the floor Because I promise I’ll

Lesser Brother
You’re the lesser brother Every single day Your heart so distracted By work or by play Your face is like Thanos Your breathe even worse You make me vomit You’re

Unconcealed Disfavor
All those times I waited for you Praying for that conciliatory chance Wasting away in a caffeinated crater Performing scenarios in a mental trance. A fool taking part in an

Myopic Culture
She calls it perversion. I call it beauty. Art comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and designations. A photo of a man, woman, animal, or object, if aesthetically pleasing to

Audacity Endeavor
Madness they say While healing takes place Hear his words Look at his face! He shares his pain An audacity endeavor He’s making it up Mendacity. Whatever! CAST HIM OUT!

Game of Numbers
How many of us would they kill And leave in the streets Were we to threaten their riches? These leaders we so desperately follow They see us as part of

Receive Your Throne
She’s like the wind Through my tree As dead leaves flutter She thinks of me. The moonlight restores Her lunar smile Which was stolen from her A crime so vile.

Space Waves
So many think that the Earth spins slowly Like a turtle, sleuth, or roly poly. As the days drag on like a boring vexation The years affect us with little

Ego Erected
I just needed a chum in the midst of a dispiriting climb An iota of encouragement could have lasted all of time. So I dropped to my knees with my

Fade From Black
Please soften the sting of my hurting heart With your gentle and resolute healing power. A subtle smile or nod or gesture Can make so sweet what once was sour.

Dirt on my Name
I can’t be who I want to be No options remain, so I’ll just be me Goin insane All these things they rack my brain Imagination trumps information A tug

Shattering Star
Free me from this shattering star I once softly shouted to a stranger. Shady. Shunned. Shackled. Shhh. She said Desires deliver such a delicate danger. Pressure purposed to laborious life

Too Many Moons
Hello old friend, you’ve traveled so far I’m sure your frigid feet ache intensely Can I get you food or drink or warmth? May I feel your discomfort immensely. Did

Souls in Her Storm
Girl, I know you know you made a mistake, although you’ll never admit it. Not to me. Not to him. Not to anyone. You don’t need to. The past reaches

Grace Citation
Hi there friend, so here’s the deal. You need to know how you made me feel. Since you won’t communicate or offer respect. And your wolf is a cowardly piece

Blood-Stained Snow
Blood-stained snow resembled shaved ice flavors. I seem to have startled you as I worriedly approached. My concern mistaken for desire without favor. A topic you wrestled with but refused

When it Rains on Mars
I took a slow, desolate walk on Mars today. Not a soul in sight, so I thought I’d stay. The red moist ground reminded me. This isn’t Earth with her