Soul Intubation
Stuck in this swirling pool of irritation. No single day passes without “what-if” thought. There’s no such thing as relaxing vacation. Mind found a mystery, but bondage was bought. Insignificant

Intuition Taxing
I smell deception like an unwanted scent. Feeling regret from emotion which once was spent. This lack of trust yields a choking hold. It perceives their intentions, perplexingly bold. I

Campaign Chasm
We struggle through life as our scars collide, when our paths converge, cross, and zip around frantically. The way we process and function provides a foundation, but experiences provide a

Soul Shower
Watching rain fall in diagonal sequence. Wondering what future it brings. Lifeless dust layered on my arid skin. As liquid pitter-patter washes me clean. I wanna know. Have you ever

The State of My Skin
I can’t escape her. No matter how fast I run. She’s everywhere. Lurking! Like I am the Earth and she is the Sun. Her heat is taxing. As my thirst

Restricted Rations
I’m not afraid to love. So why are you? With your heart so red, but your feels so blue. I don’t run from the pain. I’m sure that you know.

She Watches
She thinks about me all week long. While he’s away. When he is gone. But when he’s around, she disappears. An empty heart. A burning ear. She wants to see

I saw her drive by my house today. As I watched in slow motion, I saw her say. “I see you standing there watching me mister.” She mouthed it so

Heart-Braided Rope
Shit hits the fan in a wet, sloppy thud. I cry out for help to my peeps and my love. But they just stand there, like they’re stuck in mud.

Sapphire Sphere
Baby blue sky backs an over-protective sphere. Those far away see what I see near. A billion others share this same restraint. Think about it too much. Light-headed. Faint. Clouds

Friendship Fraud
The moment the ground beneath me disintegrated Many moons ago I knew my freedom had been raped Beaten, battered, with anxiety in tow. Sentenced to life by a callused heart

Cyst on My Wrist
There’s a cyst on my wrist. But it’s nothing like the cyst you’ve placed on my soul. Your wall of lies cast a shadow. You gifted me burden. Then scorned

Love of My Life
Love of my life, what is missing? Is it really just me who is failing? How can these hearts feel so broken? I need a jolt, come and save me.

Celestial Notion
Regardless of how loud the wolf howled I showed you love and strength I kept whacking the mole back down An offer of kindness to endless lengths Fixated fascination to

Gravity For Two
When I saw her face, my heart began to rip at the seams. Her pain. The earth quaked, blood seeped out, but only for me. Thick like glue. A simple

Not For Me
My tears are not for me, they’re for you. When I think about what lurks down deep. That which nips at your heart and torments your soul. The visions you

Soul Famished
I fought hard to understand inconceivable actions. That felt like an ousting from an exclusive faction. As the emotional pain struck each insufferable blow. I felt the coruscating spotlight in

Alone on the Gray
Inconsequential fusion. I’m one with the pain. I can carry it and shape it, all the same. A most puzzling prophecy of distorted intent. Misconception interpreted while the truth was